PPI (Pages Per Inch)
Calculate the number of pages in an inch of paper with a given caliper (thickness) per sheet.

Use our Pages per Inch (PPI) Calculator to determine the number of pages in an inch of paper with a given caliper (thickness) per sheet.

Simply enter the caliper of your paper below (measured in thousandths of an inch), then click "Calculate".

Note: specify all dimensions in decimal inches.
For example, enter "0.0072" for a caliper value of 7.2

Input Variables
Caliper:   in decimal inches

More Information


Find the number of pages per inch for a 100 lb Coated Gloss Cover paper with an average caliper value of 9.3 (0.0093 in.) per sheet.

2 = PPI

2 = 216 PPI

Note that the result for pages per inch is rounded to the nearest even whole number.
The results from our PPI calculator are estimates only and are not guaranteed for any particular product or application.